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Note : Requires Javascript to work.

Tabs can be used to diplay a lot of information in a single page by using progressive disclosure. The user gets control to see the content they want to see.

Design Hints
Tabs are powerful tools for displaying a lot of information without cognitive overload for a user. While deciding the content inside the each tab, we have to consider whether the content is relevant to the particular tab or not. Also if a tab has an action, it is recommended that all information required to complete the action is displayed in the tab. If you need more than 5 tabs, consider using other navigational elements. Tabs also may not transfer well over to smaller screens based on the number of tabs.
Accessiblity Hints
For accessibility, it is important to specify the roles associated with the tabs and use `tabindex` to ensure that the tabs perform the expected functionality. Additional javascript is required to make the tabs work with keyboard events. The content inside the panels shoould also be accessible and follow best practices.

Tabs Specification

A tab has three main parts :

  • The tabs container : The container div or section that wraps the tabs and the tab panels
  • The tabs list : The list of buttons that serve as label for the tab panels. The related roles are tablist and tab . The attributes are aria-selected, aria-controls and tabindex.
  • The tab panels : A set of panels that are connected to the tabs list. The related role is tabpanel. The attributes are aria-labelledby and tabindex.

Normal Tabs

The classic tabs with a panel attached to each tab. The tabs are displayed in a horizontal list and the panels are displayed blow the tabs.

This is placeholder content for the product tab

Normal Tabs With Icons

This adds icons to the tabs while maintaining the same functionality as the normal tabs.

This is placeholder content for the product tab

Gradient Tabs With Icons

The selected tab is highlighted with a gradient background. Otherwise the tabs are similar to the normal tabs with icons.

This is placeholder content for the product tab

Note: The color of the gradient tabs can be changed by changing the from-purple-500 via-purple-800 to-purple-900 in the <button> tag. You can generate different gradients using the Tailwind Gradient Generator

Astrojs Web Component Tabs

Note : Requires Astrojs to work.

This is an astrojs web component implementation of the tabs. It allows for any sort of content to be displayed in the tabs. It also dynamically generates the tab buttons based on the number of tabs. It has many additional features such as dynamically adding icons, allowing for custom tab buttons, tab panels. It also allows for the tabs to have vertical alignment and act like a sidebar to the panel.

Product Overview

This is a fantastic product that solves all your problems.

Data Overview


  • Alice: Great product, would buy again!
  • Bob: Fast shipping, good quality.
  • Carol: Exactly what I needed.

Product Overview

This is a fantastic product that solves all your problems.

  • Alice: Great product, would buy again!
  • Bob: Fast shipping, good quality.
  • Carol: Exactly what I needed.

The Tabs above are created using the Web Components API along with Astrojs. It follows the standard patterns for tabs as defined by the WAI-ARIA APG which is available here . This specifically follows the Tabs with Manual Activation pattern.

Note: The tabs are responsive in nature, that means the vertical tabs will become horizontal below the breakpoint md . The styling used above is a showcase of the component’s options and not really recommended for direct use.


To use the Tabs component in your Astro project, follow these steps below after copying the code into a component file:

  • Import the Tab component into your Astro page.
  • Render the Tab component in your Astro page and pass the tabs as a slot. (This creates a lot of flexibility in the implementation, but remember that it can create errors if you don’t follow the correct implementation)

Example implementation is given below:

import Tabs from './WCTabs.astro'; // Refer the correct location of the component in your project
data-button-class="cursor-pointer w-full px-auto md:px-6 py-3 text-sm md:text-base rounded-lg flex justify-center flex-row items-center space-x-3 hover:bg-gray-200 dark:hover:bg-zinc-800 dark:aria-selected:hover:bg-indigo-800 aria-selected:bg-indigo-800 aria-selected:text-white focus:outline-4 outline-offset-4 outline-black dark:outline-white"
data-panel-class="p-3 bg-indigo-100 w-full rounded-xl border-gray-300 dark:bg-indigo-950 border dark:border-zinc-800 text-zinc-800 dark:text-zinc-200 overflow-x-auto">
<h2>Product Overview</h2>
<p>This is a fantastic product that solves all your problems.</p>
data-button-class="cursor-pointer w-full px-auto md:px-6 py-3 text-sm md:text-base rounded-lg flex justify-center flex-row items-center space-x-3 hover:bg-gray-200 dark:hover:bg-zinc-800 dark:aria-selected:hover:bg-cyan-800 aria-selected:bg-cyan-800 aria-selected:text-white focus:outline-4 outline-offset-4 outline-black dark:outline-white"
data-panel-class="p-3 bg-cyan-100 w-full rounded-xl border-gray-300 dark:bg-cyan-950 border dark:border-zinc-800 text-zinc-800 dark:text-zinc-200 overflow-x-auto">
<h2>Data Overview</h2>
<ul data-tab="Comments">
<li>Alice: Great product, would buy again!</li>
<li>Bob: Fast shipping, good quality.</li>
<li>Carol: Exactly what I needed.</li>

Note: As you may have noticed the tabs above are sent as a slot instead of a prop. While this adds a lot of flexibility to the implementation, it also means that there are added restrictions for the usage of the component. Based on the use case, this may not be the best approach for your page.

Data Attributes

The data attributes for creating tabs should be applied to the root element for which the tabpanel will be created. The root elements must be direct children of the component which can be any HTMLElement, passed via the slot. This design ensures that the component interacts only with the panel elements themselves and does not traverse further into their descendants.

data-tabs (required)stringThe unique identifier which names the tab button.
data-default-activestringThe index of the default active tab. Index starts at 0. If an invalid entry is sent, it will default to 0
data-button-classstringTailwind classes for the tab buttons in case you want to override base style defined in the class for a particular tab.
data-panel-classstringTailwind classes for the panel in case you want to override base style defined in the class for a particular tab.
data-iconstringHas to be in the public folder for it to be available at runtime. If not used, it will show no icon.
data-alt-textstringThe alternative text to be displayed for the icon. Will not have any impact if data-icon is not mentioned.

Important Note: Remember that if you do not include data-tabs to all direct children of the component with a string value, it may cause unexpected behaviour. If any direct child is present without data-tabs attribute, it will be removed from the DOM as long as it does not have the role="tablist" attribute. Note that the panel is a separate section element which wraps the content of the element with the data-tab attribute.

data-* attributes are used to exchange information between the DOM and the component. For more information about data-* attributes, you can refer to the MDN web docs

Component Props

The Tabs component accepts the following props

  • defaultActive: The index of the default active tab. Index starts at 0. If an invalid entry(not a number or greater than the number of tabs) is sent, it will default to 0.
  • orientation: The orientation of the tabs. Possible values are horizontal and vertical. horizontal by default. Any invalid entry will default it to horizontal. This also sets the aria-orientation attribute of the tab list element to either horizontal or vertical.

Style Customization

For individual styling you can pass tailwind classes using the data-attributes mentioned in the table above. For changing the base style of the component, in the astro component file, search for the following lines :

// ... All the code above this
static readonly DEFAULT_STYLES = {
"cursor-pointer w-full px-auto md:px-6 py-3 text-sm md:text-base rounded-lg flex justify-center flex-row items-center space-x-3 hover:bg-gray-200 dark:hover:bg-zinc-800 aria-selected:bg-gradient-to-l aria-selected:from-purple-500 aria-selected:via-purple-800 aria-selected:to-purple-900 aria-selected:text-white focus:outline-4 outline-offset-4 outline-black dark:outline-white",
"p-3 bg-gray-50 w-full rounded-xl border-gray-300 dark:bg-zinc-950 border dark:border-zinc-800 text-zinc-800 dark:text-zinc-200 overflow-x-auto",
// All the code below this

Changing the styles will reflect on all your tabs. Remember that we are coupling aria-selected with the tabs selection indicator, so don’t forget to preserve the aria-selected logic so that the tabs function as expected.

Please keep in mind that the Tabs component is provided as-is and may require further testing and customization to fit your specific use case. Also it removes the original panel node and adds a duplicate panel node with the same id and properties.

Accessibility Testing Status

ComponentNVDAWindows NarratorWAVEAxeIBM Equal Access
Normal TabsYesYesYesYesYes
Normal Tabs With IconsYesYesYesYesYes
Gradient Tabs With IconsYesYesYesYesYes
Astrojs Web Component TabsYesYesYesYesYes

ravixUI follows the tabs pattern from WAI-ARIA APG which is available here . This specifically follows the Tabs with Manual Activation pattern.

Keyboard Interaction

Keyboard NavigationDescription
Arrow Up/Down (Only for AstroJS Webcomponent)If orientation is vertical, moves focus to next tab. Has no effect if the tabs are horizontal in orientation.(Available only in the AstroJS web component)
Arrow Left/RightIf the tabs are horizontal, moves focus to next tab. Has no effect if the tabs are vertical in orientation
Enter or SpaceShows the tab panel associated with the currently focused tab while hiding other tab panels
Tab or Shift + TabMoves the focus out of the tablist and onto the next/previous focusable element in the DOM.